速報APP / 遊戲 / Adventure VR Games & Puzzles: Spellfish

Adventure VR Games & Puzzles: Spellfish





版本需求:Android 7.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Maria IO Helsinki

Adventure VR Games & Puzzles: Spellfish(圖1)-速報App

Award Winner for “Best VR Puzzle"

Let's deep-dive into a few of the interconnected adventure of Spellfish.

4.5 / 5 Oculus Store

4.5 / 5 VR Bank

5 / 5 WEARVR

9 / 10 AVR 17

Faraway in the Golden Star Galaxy once lived a happy Kingdom of Caroba ruled by King Bubbles and Queen Barbara who had a newborn child Prince Flushy.

From the shadows of the Golden Star once came a witch-king Norman who wanted to enslave Caroba and take over the magical golden stars. To defeat Caroba Norman turned prince Flushy into a fish, and sent him to the deepest place in the world, where he could never find the way back home.

His monstrous forces reclaimed Caroba, invaded their land and they are now ready to take on the rest of the world with mayhem.

Adventure VR Games & Puzzles: Spellfish(圖2)-速報App

There was one last hope... Trinity, the explosive fairy who could find Flushy and guide him back home to save the kingdom.

Trinity never gave up and searched Flushy for 30 years until now…

Join the resistance in Carouba to take down the evil witch king Norman.

Collect golden stars to unlock 30 worlds, 3 chapters and 3 bosses

Collect 100 coins to get a extra life

Exclusively designed for Daydream VR

Comfortable VR Experience

Use the controller touchpad to move the camera and shoot from the main button

VR Arcade Adventure with hundreds of hours of gameplay

Adventure VR Games & Puzzles: Spellfish(圖3)-速報App

All the income will be used to make the game better. Thanks for your support!

Adventure VR Games & Puzzles: Spellfish(圖4)-速報App